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Employee Handbook

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On behalf of your colleagues, we welcome you to New Muthokinju Hardware Limited and wish you every success here. At New Muthokinju Hardware Limited, we believe that each employee contributes directly to the growth and success of the company, and we hope you will take pride in being a member of our team. This handbook was developed to describe some of the expectations of our employees and to outline the policies, programs, and benefits available to eligible employees. Employees should become familiar with the contents of the employee handbook as soon as possible, for it will answer many questions about employment with New Muthokinju Hardware Limited. We believe that professional relationships are easier when all employees are aware of the culture and values of the organization. This guide will help you to better understand our vision for the future of our business and the challenges that are ahead. We hope that your experience here will be challenging, enjoyable, and rewarding. Again, welcome! B.N.K BENJAMIN KIMANI MANAGING DIRECTOR  


1.2. Introductory Statement

This handbook is designed to acquaint you with New Muthokinju Hardware Limited and provide you with information about working conditions, employee benefits, and some of the policies affecting your employment. You should read, understand, and comply with all provisions of the handbook. It describes many of your responsibilities as an employee and outlines the programs developed by New Muthokinju Hardware Limited to benefit employees. The Handbook applies to all employees, and may be supplemented with other role or department specific policies and procedures. No employee handbook can anticipate every circumstance or question about policy. As New Muthokinju Hardware Limited continues to grow, the need may arise (and the company) reserves the right to revise, supplement, or rescind any policies or portion of the handbook from time to time as it deems appropriate, in its sole and absolute discretion. Employees will be notified of such changes to the handbook as they occur. It shall however be the responsibility of every Employee to acquaint himself or herself with all such reviews, revisions, supplements or rescissions.

1.3. Customer Relations

Customers are our organization's most valuable assets. Every employee represents New Muthokinju Hardware Limited to our customers and the public. The way we do our jobs presents an image of our entire organization. Customers judge all of us by how they are treated with each employee contact. Therefore, one of our first business priorities is to assist any customer or potential customer. Nothing is more important than being courteous, friendly, helpful, and prompt in the attention you give to customers. As such New Muthokinju Hardware Limited will provide customer relations and services training to all employees with extensive customer contact.

1.4. Responsibility

The members of staff shall have access to this Handbook. All employees shall be held responsible for reading and understanding these regulations and any amendments made. Duties and Responsibilities i. Staff members are subject to the authority of the directors of the Company and all other persons who are placed in the authority of such staff members. ii. Staff Members shall at all times conduct themselves in a manner befitting their status whilst discharging their duties. iii. Staff members shall exercise the utmost fidelity to the Company in regard to matters of official business and shall not, without permission from a directors, disclose any information known to them that has not been made public. iv. Staff members shall not engage in any political activity. v. Staff members shall not engage in any other private business or activities that may interfere with their performance within the Company or which may in any way compete with such business as the Company may be engaged in from time to time. vi. Ignorance of any of these regulations will not be accepted as an excuse for failure to act accordingly.


The organization Structure shall be guided by the organization strategy and overall corporate plan. All Human Resource decisions shall be based on a job related criteria and an individual’s ability to perform the job. Once an organization structure is established and approved, it shall remain in place until it is reviewed. The organization chart shall include the roles of each establishment.

1.6. Organization Structure, Review and Approval Process.

1.6.1. The head of the affected department shall initiate a draft document and forward it to the Directors through the Head of Human Resources Department for consideration with the proposed revised draft structure attached. 1.6.2. The Head of Department proposing the change of organization structure shall address the following as part of justification for structure review: i. How the revised structure supports the Company strategy; ii. The clear responsibilities of each role in the structure and current jobholders; iii. Impact on total headcount or establishment numbers; iv. The additional revenue or cost savings expected to be derived as a result of structure review; v. Any changes in reporting lines and impact of these on any role; and vi. Comparison of the reviewed structure to industry best practice. 1.6.3. If the Director is not satisfied with the draft, he/she shall return it to the Head of Department with comments. 1.6.4. The Director shall forward the approved structure to the head of Human Resource Department for implementation.

1.7. Role Profiles and Descriptions.

1.7.1. All role profiles shall have a valid job grade and job description before a job holder is assigned the job or position. 1.7.2. All role profiles shall be in the approved structure before implementation. 1.7.3. Where a Head of Department proposes the creation of a new role profile, he or she shall follow the procedure set out above on review of organization structure. 1.7.4. The justification document shall address the following issues: i. How the role supports the Company strategy; ii. The clear responsibilities and position that is currently handling those responsibilities; iii. Impact on total headcount numbers; iv. Budget allocated to the role directly or indirectly; v. The additional revenue and cost savings expected from the role; vi. Other positions in the company the role interacts with; vii. Key performance indicators of the role; viii. Location of the role; ix. Training required for the new role.


1.9. Structure.

The structure of the department shall be as follows:

1.10. Role of Human Resource Department.

i. To implement the human resource policy. ii. To ensure effective relationship between the human resource department and the entire organization. iii. To recruit, orient, and retrain adequate human resources in the organization at all times. iv. To develop and implement strategies to motivate human resources. v. To ensure fair and just remuneration and reward systems for the human resources. vi. To keep accurate and complete staff records for each employee from selection to departure of the employee. vii. To initiate and maintain staff safety in the organization. viii. To initiate and maintain staff welfare programs. ix. To keep an accurate records of staff work sheets and other reports. x. To coordinate staff appraisals. xi. Advise the Accounts Department on the applicable statutory deductions from employee’s salaries and wages. xii. Human Resource planning.


1.11.1. The Head of Human Resources Department shall in consultation with the respective Heads of Department maintain an optimum number of employees within the approved organization structure to support the overall organization’s business strategy and corporate plan. 1.11.2. The Heads of Departments and the Head of Human Resources Department shall continuously conduct an analysis of current and future workforce requirements and whether the available internal capacity is sufficient to meet present and future needs and develop plans to meet any present or forecast gaps together with a budget which shall be submitted to the Director for approval.


1.12.1. Recruitment. It shall be the duty of the department of Human resources to recruit, select, orient and replace staff in the organization in accordance with the HR Planning and Recruitment Procedure. Before any recruitment is done: i. The vacancy must exist and be part of the approved headcount growth; and 1.13. The approved role profile and specifications prescribed for the post together with the principal responsibilities specifying the broad goals of the position must be in place. The Company shall consider the following factors when filling positions with internal candidates: i. Minimum job requirements; ii. Performance management reviews; iii. Succession plans; and iv. Disciplinary records.

1.14. Training before appointment.

1.14.1. The Company may appoint trainees under fixed term contracts. 1.14.2. Trainees shall be trained for at least Thirty (30) days from the date of their acceptance of the Letter of Offer. 1.14.3. Trainees shall during the training period be trainees and shall not in any way be deemed or construed to be employees of the Company, and all the terms of their engagement shall be provided for in their letter of appointment. 1.14.4. The Company shall during the training period pay the Trainees a stipend of such amount as the Company may determine. The stipend shall be construed to include all monies, benefits and allowances which may be payable or be deemed to be payable to them. 1.14.5. The Trainee shall during the training conscientiously carry out all the training, duties and activities that shall be allocated to them by their superiors. 1.14.6. The Trainee’s engagement by the Company shall be for a fixed term of Thirty (30) days and shall lapse automatically after the expiry of the training period unless the Trainee is employed by the Company as provided for below. Appointment of a Trainee shall in no way create any expectation that the Company shall offer the Trainee employment upon successful completion of the training. 1.14.7. The Company shall not be obliged to employ such Trainee after the completion of the training. 1.14.8. A Trainee shall only be considered for employment after successful completion of the training. 1.14.9. Where the Company wishes to hire new employees, the Company may consider hiring such employees from the pool of the successful Trainees. 1.14.10. Before determining whether to employ a successful Trainee, the Human Resources Department may require the respective Head of Department in which the Trainee was training to appraise the Trainee for potential appointment by the Company and furnish the Head of Human Resources Department with an evaluation report recommending whether or not the Trainee should be considered for employment. 1.14.11. The Company shall upon the consideration of the evaluation report of a Trainee consider whether or not to employ a successful Trainee. Where the Company determines to employ such Trainee, the Trainee shall be employed on probationary terms for a fixed term of Six (6) months.

1.15. There shall be two procedures: general staff recruitment SOP, and the Drivers recruitment SOP.

1.16. Human Resource Orientation and Placement Orientation

i. A Successfully selected employees shall be oriented in the organization to enable them understand the operations of the organization and develop a working relationship with all the staff in the organization. ii. The orientation shall involve introduction to co-workers, a tour of facilities and provide information about daily routines, employee benefits and services, work rules, safety rules and programs, training and promotion practices, organization policies and operations, organization departments and programs, and the organization history.

1.17. Placement.

i. Each successful employee shall sign a contract of service with the organization, subject to a practical interview and confirmation of having read and understood the company policies. The contract shall be signed by both the employer and the employee and each party shall retain a copy. ii. All employees, including persons who may successfully have completed the Training program with the Company shall first be employed on a probationary fixed term contract for period of at least six (6) months to enable them fully understand the organization, their job requirements, scope of work and to acclimatize with the job environment. iii. Consultants, interns and temporary employees shall be subjected to such appropriate orientation as the Human Resource Department and the Head of the respective Department may advise. iv. During the orientation period, an incoming employee may be assigned to work with other departments other than his/her designated workstation to expand his/her understanding of the entire organization. v. Upon successful completion of his/her orientation, a successful candidate shall be assigned to his/her designated workstation to work through the assistance of an experienced staff. vi. The Company may transfer, reassign or redeploy an employee from one role or duty station to the other.

1.18. Probationary Appointments

i. All employees hired shall initially be hired on probationary contract for a fixed term of a minimum period of 6 calendar months. Where the employee is absent from work during the probation period with or without leave, the period of absence shall not be considered in the computation of the 6 months’ probation period, and the probation period shall automatically be extended by the number of days the employee shall have been absent from work. ii. The probation period shall be a trial period for a probationer, allowing the probationer to demonstrate his or her competence and suitability to be confirmed for the position, and the Company to assess objectively whether the probationer is suitable for the role, taking into account their capability, skills, performance and general conduct in relation to the job in question. iii. The contract of a probationer may be terminated at any stage during the probation period where it is evident that the work standards are not being met, or are unlikely to be met, and it is not always necessary or appropriate to wait until the end of the probation period. iv. Where the Company determines to terminate or not to confirm the employment of a probationer, the probationer’s supervisor or other designated officer of the Company or the Head of the Human Resources Department will write to invite the probationer to a meeting to discuss their performance. At the meeting, the probationer shall discuss the decision to terminate or not confirm the probationer’s employment. v. Where the Company deems it appropriate, the probation period of a probationer who has met the minimum acceptable criteria may be extended for a period of 6 months to afford the employee an opportunity to show improvement in any specific areas in which his work or conduct has been unsatisfactory. vi. The probationer’s supervisor shall evaluate the performance of the probationer at the end of the probation period and recommend either to confirm the probationer or otherwise. vii. A probationary contract shall be a fixed term contract and shall lapse automatically after the expiry of the probation period unless the employee is confirmed and no termination notice shall therefore be required. viii. Where the Company determines not to confirm the employment of an employee on the lapse of the probation contract, the Company shall give the employee notice that the employee’s probation has been unsuccessful. ix. Intention not to renew, or to terminate or extend probation or otherwise not to confirm an employee on probation shall be notified to the employee by head of the Department in liaison with a director. x. Where the employee determines to confirm the employment of an employee who has successfully completed the probation process, the employee shall sign a contract of employment for a fixed term of 1 year from the date of the confirmation. xi. During the probation period, either party may terminate the assignment by giving seven days’ written notice or 7 days’ pay in lieu of notice. xii. A probationer whose probation contract is terminated or whose employment is not confirmed for whatever reason shall have a right to appeal to the Director against the decision within 3 days from the date of the Company’s decision to terminate or not to confirm the probationer. xiii. The appeal shall be made in writing and served on the Director for consideration and shall be accompanied by the supporting evidence. The Director shall consider the appeal and any other information that the probationer may put forward and communicate his or her decision within 3 days from the date of the appeal. The decision of the Director shall be final.

1.19. Contractual Appointments

i. Save for probation contracts and trainees, all employees of the Company shall be employed on fixed term contracts for a period of 12 months, and every appointment shall where the letter employment does not specify the term of employment be deemed to be employment for a fixed term of 12 calendar months. ii. All employment contracts shall not carry any expectation of a renewal regardless of how many times the employee’s contracts have previously been renewed, and such contract shall only be renewed at the discretion of the Company and only if the employee shall have met his or her targets during the preceding year. iii. Where appropriate, the Company may employ an employee on a fixed term contract for a fixed period of time shorter than 12 months. iv. Where an employee on a fixed term contract is promoted or reassigned to another role whether with similar or other enhanced benefits, the Company may if it deems it appropriate at its sole discretion place such employee on probation and the company policies on probation shall apply to such employee from the date of such promotion or reassignment. v. The Company shall notify the employee in writing 1 month prior to the expiration of the contract if it determines not to renew the contract of employment of an employee. To satisfy the notice period where for whatever reason a decision not to renew the contract which has expired is not served on an employee, the Company shall extend the contract’s scheduled expiration in order to give the required notice. vi. No employment contract shall be renewed or deemed to have been renewed automatically even where a clause allowing for renewal of the contract exists on the employment contract, and where an employee continues working even after the expiry of his or her contract of employment and no new contract is negotiated and executed by the Company and the employee, such employee shall for purposes of remuneration only be entitled to remuneration at the rates specified under the expired contract of employment. vii. Employee on a fixed term contract of employment shall ensure that their annual leave is taken within the contract period. viii. An employee whose contract is about to expire may be sent on terminal leave pending the expiration of the contract. ix. An employee whose contract of employment is terminated or is not renewed shall be eligible to benefits that are specified in their letters of appointment. x. An employee whose contract is terminated or whose employment contract is not renewed or extended for whatever reason shall have a right to appeal to the Director against the decision within 3 days from the date of the Company’s decision to terminate or not to extend the contract. xi. The appeal shall be made in writing and served on the Director for consideration and shall be accompanied by the supporting evidence. The Managing Director shall consider the appeal and any other information that the probationer may put forward and communicate his or her decision within 3 days from the date of the application. The decision of the Director shall be final.

1.20. Casuals.

i. Casual employees shall be engaged on day-to-day basis and their wages shall be assessed daily and paid their wages at the end of each day. ii. A casual employee shall not be entitled to leave, service, gratuity, medical or any other benefits.


The various forms of separation from the Company include: i. Resignation. ii. Dismissal. iii. Retirement. iv. Expiration of the contract of employment. v. Termination in accordance with the terms of the contract of employment. vi. Death. vii. Redundancy.

2.1. Resignation

i. An employee may resign from his or her employment by giving One (1) Month’s notice or by paying One (1) month’s Gross Salary in lieu of such notice. ii. On resignation, an employee shall settle all outstanding liabilities to the Company, and any amounts due to the employee shall be withheld and applied to settle any monies payable by the employee to the Company. iii. Payment of final dues will be made on receipt of a duly signed clearance certificate showing proper handing over of all organization’s property.

2.2. Dismissal

The Company shall summarily dismiss an employee if it is satisfied he or she has committed a major offence.

2.3. Retirement

An employee shall retire or be retired from the Company in the following circumstances: i. on attaining the age of 55 years; ii. Voluntarily before attaining the age of 55 years; iii. On medical grounds; or iv. In the interest of the Company. An employee who wishes to retire before attaining the age of 55 years shall serve One (1) months’ notice of his or her intention to retire before attaining the mandatory age.

2.4. Retirement on Medical Grounds

Where an employee appears to the Company, or where the employee is certified by a doctor that the employee is unfit for continued service due to ill health, the employee may be retired on medical grounds. In order to determine the employee’s fitness for further service, the Company shall consider the apparent health state of the employee, report(s) of the employee’s supervisor if any, or a medical report of a medical doctor on the medical state of the employee. An employee shall whenever required by the Company submit himself or herself to a medical evaluation by a medical practitioner who shall be determined by the Company for purposes of determining the employee’s fitness for continued service.

2.5. Expiration of Contract

An employee's employment will automatically cease on the day the contract expires. An employee whose contract has expired shall not report to work or perform his or her duties unless his or her contract of employment is renewed by the parties and a further employment contract executed by the parties. If an employee does not wish to have his or her contract renewed, he or she shall notify the Head of Human Resources Department in writing at least One (1) month in advance. If the Company does not wish to renew the employment of an employee, the Company shall notify the employee its intention not to renew the contract, provided that where the employee continues to work after the expiry of his or her contract of employment, the employee shall only be entitled to compensation equivalent to the number of days worked after the expiry.

2.6. Death.

Where the services of an employee are terminated by death: i. the legal representatives of the employee shall, upon proof of capacity as required by law, be entitled to be paid wages and any other remuneration and property due to the employee as at the date of death within thirty days of submitting the proof. ii. WIBA compensation if any which shall not form part of the estate of the deceased employee shall be paid to the beneficiaries in accordance with the prevailing law. iii. Retirement benefits if any which shall not form part of the estate of the deceased employee shall be paid by the Trustees of the respective scheme in accordance with the Trust Deed and the rules of such scheme.

2.7. Reinstatement

On the consideration of an appeal by an employee whose employment has been dismissed or whose employment has been terminated, or in the case of a probationer whose employment is not confirmed upon the completion of the probation, the Director may reinstate the employee to the same position he or she held or re-engage the employee to a position which is similar to a position which was held by the employee before the dismissal, termination or determination not to confirm his or her employment. In considering whether or not to reinstate or re-engage an employee, the company shall have regard of the following factors: (i) the circumstances in which the termination took place, including the extent, if any, to which the employee caused or contributed to the termination, dismissal or failure to confirm his or her employment; (ii) the practicability of recommending reinstatement or re-engagement; (iii) any conduct of the employee which to any extent caused or contributed to the termination; and (iv) the terminal dues that shall have been paid by the Company to the employee. An employee who leaves the services of the Company for whatever reason and is later reinstated or reengaged by the Company shall be considered a new employee save for the staff number. His previous years of service prior to termination shall not count when determining his period of service. Where the Director determines to reinstate or re-engage an employee, such employee shall not be entitled to any pay or any benefits for the period between their dismissal or termination and the date of their reinstatement or re-engagement. An employee may however not be reinstated or re-engaged after the lapse of Six (6) months from the date of their termination or dismissal.


3.1. Hours of work

The hours of work shall be as regulated by the employer in compliance with the relevant laws. The employment act states that an employee shall be given one rest day in a week. i. The Company shall operate from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday, 7:30 am to 5:30 pm on Saturdays, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm on Sundays and 7:30 am to 3:00 pm on public holidays. ii. All staff working on Sundays or a public holiday shall be given a full rest day in the following week. iii. The supervisors and any other management employee may be required to work for longer periods by the nature of their job description and remuneration, and the provisions of the provisions of the Regulation of Wages (General) Order shall not apply to them. iv. Each employee shall be required to record attendance whenever they get into the organization and sign out when they leave the company. v. Employees who undertake out of office duties shall be required to furnish the human resource department accurately and truthfully with the tasks undertaken out of duty station. vi. A director or a senior relevant departmental head may prescribe the limits of hours required to perform a specific task. vii. Without prejudice to the other remedies available under the law, an affected employee accused of consistent failure to comply with such timelines shall be required to submit a written explanation and consequent disciplinary action taken against them. This is because being a sales industry, lateness may affect customer service and consequent loss of business.

3.2. Transfers

The Company recognizes that staff motivation, productivity, and retention are dependent upon employees working in jobs that are well suited to their interests, and therefore offers and encourages transfer opportunities for current employees. Likewise, the Company strives to support staff members who have the desire to enhance their skills or develop new competencies to pursue different or greater responsibilities internally. The Company reserves the right to transfer an employee at any time from one position, role, department or branch to another where the services of such employee may be required whether such transfer is to the lower or higher level than the previous level. Where the transfer involves a promotion, the Company shall consider such factors as the job requirements as well as the competencies, skills, performance, attendance, efforts to develop skills, dedication to duty and such related behaviors of the employee. A transfer may be because such reasons as, but not limited to: a) To move high achievers in the organization to positions with higher responsibilities, b) Filing departmental or branch vacancies with staff from overstaffed departments or branches. c) To help the staff develop diverse skills in the organization d) To place staff in work stations where they can best perform or appropriate with the skills and career development goals. e) Branch staff, especially branch supervisors shall not work for more than three (3) years in one branch, in a bit to ensure job rotations and sales growth. An employee who is transferred to a new role, position or department shall be inducted on the new role or position. An employee who is transferred to a new role, position or department shall satisfactorily meet the new role or position’s performance expectations and standards, and the performance of such employee shall be appraised according to the appraisal policy of the Company. Failure to meet the expectations of the new role or position may lead to summary dismissal. Notice 2 weeks before transfer, the company shall give 2 weeks notice. The employee shall make the appropriate relocation arrangements. The company shall provide transport to the employee’s as per the prevailing rates. Promotions- salaries to be reviewed after the probation period. Acting Allowance to be paid.

3.3. Code of conduct

The Company strives to maintain a positive work environment where employees treat each other with respect and courtesy. All the staff shall abide by expected employment ethics as stated in this code of conduct. The company also encourages all employees to keep an open mind and graciously accept constructive feedback or a request to change behavior that may be affecting another employee's ability to concentrate and be productive. All staff must be well groomed and possess excellent office etiquette. In addition; i. Drugs and alcohol abuse at work place is prohibited. No staff shall come to work drunk. This will form part of the gross misconduct guidelines. ii. The company facilities shall remain a no-smoking zone. iii. Sexual relationships and associated amorous activities among members of staff are outlawed. Marriage between two staff shall not be allowed at the company. iv. Personal business during office hours is discouraged. Permission must, however, be obtained from immediate supervisors for any absence from the office during normal office hours. v. The technology systems that have been assigned to staff, including but not limited to computer equipment, software, operating systems, storage media, server accounts, electronic mail, web browsing privileges, and any multimedia equipment (scanner, printer, etc.) are the property of the company. These systems are only to be used for business purposes in serving the interests of the organization and its beneficiaries. It is every employee’s responsibility to ensure that every reasonable precaution is taken to protect the company’s technology assets from theft, power surge, loss, or other damage. Pornographic sites and social media are prohibited. vi. Negative ethnicity and nepotism is highly outlawed and any staff who is found guilty of the offence by the management or a director shall be warned or dismissed depending on the circumstances of the offence. vii. Any member of staff who suffers from any conflict of interest in his/her dealings with the company shall be required to declare his/her conflict of interest. Such a member shall be disqualified from making decisions regarding the matter in which he/she has a conflict of interest. viii. The company shall not take responsibility over any staffs who participate in any activity which degrades the environment. ix. Any staff of the company who is implicated in any criminal activity shall be suspended until the case is settled in a just and legally acceptable manner such as through a judicial process. x. Any acts of retaliation among the staff or the general public are also prohibited and disciplinary action shall be taken against any staff who engages in retaliatory activities. xi. No staff of the company shall involve/commit the organization on issues of personal debts. In this case, no debtor of any staff shall be allowed to visit the facilities of the company to seek payment of any debts owed to them. xii. No staff member shall also involve the company in domestic issues by using organization facilities to sort out domestic issues. xiii. No staff shall use his/her employment opportunity with the organization to advance individual and partisan agenda. However, the company encourages the youth including staff to participate in focused non-partisan political leadership initiatives in the community xiv. No acts of violence shall be tolerated among members of staff at work place and during their interactions with the community.

3.4. Communication policy

i. Employees shall report to their immediate line supervisors and HoDs. ii. Employees shall not divulge or disclose to any persons, any information known to them by reason of their official position, which has not been made public, except by prior authorization by the Director and in the course of their duties. An employee shall also not communicate with any newspaper or other forms of news media with regard to the organization except with prior express approval of a director. iii. Privileged information coming to an employee by virtue of his/her employment should not be used for personal gain. iv. On new appointment all employees will require to sign Non-disclosure agreement form. v. The company will have weekly management meetings comprising of all heads of departments and the directors, and any communication emanating from such meetings will be communicated by the HR department to all the staff either via email, WhatsApp or any other relevant mode of communication. vi. Communication in the company may be oral or in writing.

3.5. Next of Kin

i. On new appointment, each member of staff shall nominate next-of-kin in writing and submit their ID copy.


Paid leave days are available to eligible employees to provide opportunities for rest, relaxation, and personal pursuits. An employee shall be entitled after every twelve consecutive months of service with Muthokinju to not less than twenty-one working days of leave with full pay as per the Employment Act of Kenya. Any employee who is absent without proper leave authorization shall be deemed to have deserted duty unless proof of cause of absence is produced.

4.1. Annual Leave

i. All employees shall ensure that their annual leave is taken within the contract period and an employee shall not carry forward more than Five (5) leave days to the following year unless where the failure to take the leave was at the option of the Company. ii. The Head of Human Resources Department shall prepare a leave schedule of the employees before the lapse of the year. All amendments of the schedule shall only be made upon the approval of the Head of Human Resources Department on the request of the respective Heads of Department. iii. Other than in cases of emergencies, an Employee who wishes to request for amendment of their scheduled leave days shall make the application through their respective Heads of Department which shall be accompanied by the relevant supporting document(s). Such applications shall be transmitted to the Head of Department by email and copied to the Head of Human Resources Department. iv. Before an Employee proceeds on leave or day off, such employee shall hand over his or her duties and responsibilities to a reliever who shall be determined by the immediate supervisor in liaison with the respective Head of Department. v. In cases of emergencies, an Employee shall request from his or her immediate supervisor and copy to the Head of Department and the Head of Human Resources Department leave of absence. However, such an employee shall furnish his or her immediate Supervisor, and copy to the Head of Department and Head of Human Resources Department the relevant documents supporting the application. vi. All leave applications shall be made on the leave management platform at least Seven (7) days prior to the intended date of the leave and an employee shall only proceed on leave after the notification of approval. Where the leave management platform is electronic and the platform is either not working or is unavailable to an employee, such employe shall make the application on email, and the approval shall equally be communicated to the employee in similar manner. vii. Unless otherwise provided in an agreement between an employee and the company or instructed by the immediate supervisor, Head of Department or Head of Human Resources Department, and on condition that the employee has completed one year of service, one part of the parts (taken as leave) shall consist of at least two uninterrupted working weeks.

4.2. Sick Leave

i. After two consecutive months of service with the Company, an employee shall be entitled to sick leave of not less than seven days with full pay and thereafter to sick leave of seven days with half pay, in each period of twelve consecutive months of service, subject to production by the employee of a certificate of incapacity to work signed by a duly qualified medical practitioner or a person acting on the practitioner's behalf in charge of a dispensary or medical aid center. ii. The employee shall notify or cause to be notified as soon as is reasonably practicable his or her immediate supervisor, Head of Department and Head of Human Resources Department of his absence and the reasons for it. iii. No employee shall be entitled to sick leave with full pay unless requirement (ii) above is complied with.

4.3. Compassionate Leave

4.3.1. Where the Company at its sole discretion determines to grant an employee compassionate leave, the leave period shall not exceed Seven (7) days. 4.3.2. An Employee shall not be granted Compassionate Leave unless he or she has exhausted his or her annual leave days. 4.3.3. Compassionate leave shall only be granted in the event of sickness or demise of a member of the nuclear family, and such application shall be accompanied by the appropriate supporting documents.

4.4. Maternity Leave

4.4.1. A female employee shall be entitled to three months maternity leave with full pay. 4.4.2. A female employee shall give not less than seven (7) days’ notice in advance or a shorter period as may be reasonable in the circumstances of her intention to proceed on maternity leave on a specific date and to return to work thereafter. Such notice shall be in writing. 4.4.3. A female employee who seeks maternity leave shall produce a certificate as to her medical condition from a qualified medical practitioner or midwife. 4.4.4. An expectant female employee shall as soon as possible notify the Head of Human Resources Department of their expectancy for the appropriate support. 4.4.5. An employee shall furnish the Head of Human Resources Department with a copy of the birth notification form as soon as practicable.

4.5. Paternity Leave

4.5.1. All male staff will have a right of two weeks paid paternity leave with full pay which shall commence on date of the birth of the new born baby, born by the legal spouse. 4.5.2. A male employee shall not be entitled to more than One (1) paternity leave in a given year. 4.5.3. This too shall be subject to completion of one year of service. 4.5.4. An application for paternity leave shall be accompanied by the certificate from a qualified medical practitioner or midwife and a copy of the birth notification form.


In designing a compensation system, the Company shall consider and apply the employment laws in managing staff compensations systems and procedures.

5.1. Salaries and Wages

5.1.1. All the staff shall be paid their wages and salaries as per their contracts of service and all statutory deductions shall be made therefrom and shall be submitted to the relevant government authorities. 5.1.2. In determining an employee’s entry point into a particular jobs level/salary scale, his/her qualifications, gained experience and general competence shall be considered. 5.1.3. The Company shall be under no obligation to increase the salary or remuneration of an employee beyond the statutory minimum salary or wages set out in any law.

5.2. Pay slips

Each employee shall be provided with a written monthly pay- slip indicating his/her gross pay, all statutory and non-statutory deductions and net pay as reflected in the statement of payroll for the specific month.

5.3. Deductions.

The Company shall make the following deductions from the salaries and wages of an employee: 5.5.1. Deductions allowed under Section 19 of the Employment Act or its replacement; 5.5.2. Statutory deductions provided by law; 5.5.3. A reasonable amount for any damage done to, or loss of, any property lawfully in the possession or custody of the employer occasioned by any negligent actions or omissions of the employee. 5.5.4. All losses, costs, fees and charges that the Company may suffer as a result of the negligent actions or omissions of the employee.

5.4. Terminal Dues.

5.4.1. Any employee whose services have been either voluntarily or involuntarily terminated will be paid his/her salary/wages in the proportion of days worked during the month of termination and any other benefits earned within Seven (7) days after completion of the clearance process. 5.4.2. These benefits shall be exclusive of any losses or money that the employee owed the company at the time of termination which shall be deducted from the terminal dues.

5.5. Reimbursement of expenses

The Employee may incur reasonable expenses for furthering the Company's business, including expenses for travel and similar items. This shall be reimbursed after the Employee presents an itemized account of expenditures, pursuant to Company policy, as long as these expenses were preapproved by the relevant Head of Department in consultation with the director.

5.6. Return of Property

Employees are responsible for all the Company’s property, materials, or written information issued to them or in their possession or control. Employees must return all the Company property immediately upon request or upon termination of employment. Where permitted by applicable laws, the Company may withhold from the employee's check or final paycheck the cost of any items that are not returned when required. The Company may also take all action deemed appropriate to recover or protect its property


The Company shall undertake Training with the following Objectives i. To ensure sufficiently trained human capital is available at all times to meet the current and the future needs of the group. ii. To improve the group’s performance by ensuring all employees effectively improve in their current and future jobs in line with the groups’ objectives. iii. To provide a conducive work environment, opportunity and match individual talents and the objectives of the group to appropriate training and development programmes. iv. To assist each employee to gain competence and skills by exposing them to relevant trainings for succession planning and prepare them for the changing group demands and work environment. v. To identify each individual employees potential and ensure they are trained to equip them with relevant skills and competences to rise in the highest possible employment level in the group and explore their maximum potential vi. To improve employee performance by ensuring they understand and agree on their job description, and deliverables against which their performance will be regularly assessed. The company will ensure that all employees have an equitable opportunity to grow, develop and advance in their specific careers that are in line with the group’s set objectives. Employees, therefore, are encouraged in conjunction with their Head of Departments to identify their areas of growth, discuss and agree the way forward.

6.1 Annual Training Program

The human resource department has the responsibility of preparing a training schedule/calendar for trainings expected to be conducted for in the company.

6.2. Roles and Responsibilities of the company

I. It is the responsibility of the company to ensure each employee has an opportunity to grow and be advanced depending on their potential depending on the objectives of the company. II. Heads of departments Have the core responsibility of identifying the training needs in conjunction with the human resource department and the employee, coach, mentor, monitor the progress and assess the training impact. III. Evaluate training with an objective of ensuring value for the investment.

6.3. Roles and Responsibilities of the Employee

i. It’s every employee’s responsibility to ensure they achieve their set targets ii. Ensuring they balance their participation in developing at both company and personal level through development activities iii. Proactively identify their specific areas of training and development depending on their individual performance and that of the company, and raise the same with the relevant head of department. iv. Discuss and agree with the H.O.Ds their individual training and development plans, how they will be achieved and how to regularly measure their impact and progress. v. Prepare a training report for purposes of monitoring effectiveness and forwarding the same to the HoD and HR department.

6.8 Types of Training

a) On the job training b) Formal training c) Informal training


Every employee shall be required to meet his or her set targets. Performance management is an ongoing process of communication between a supervisor and an employee that occurs throughout the year, with the aim of accomplishing the strategic objectives of the organization.

7.1. The process shall be as follows:

i. Planning and goal setting; this will happen annually, semi- annually or such other interval as the Company may determine from time to time. ii. Management and employee involvement; Every employee shall be allocated a target at the beginning of every contract period, and regularly thereafter. Each supervisor shall monitor the performance of the employees placed under his or her command. New staff will also be taken through this step, as their confirmation will be based on achieving of targets (deliverables) iii. Monitoring and feedback; continuous  Performance Appraisal shall be undertaken bi-annually, quarterly or other intervals that the Company may determine.

7.2. Important considerations

i. Performance appraisals shall be mandatory for all employees. ii. Interns and consultants evaluation reports shall form part of their recommendations upon completing their assignments and may form a basis for their future engagements with the organization. iii. Completed appraisals shall be retained by Human Resource Department and kept in each employee’s file. iv. The performance appraisal processes and procedures shall be determined by Human Resources department. v. The organization shall exercise its discretion to engage an external consultant for this human resource evaluation as the case may be appropriate.


The company is committed to providing the best possible working conditions for its employees. Part of this commitment is encouraging an open and frank atmosphere in which any problem, complaint, suggestion, or question receives a timely response from the company supervisors and management. The company strives to ensure fair and honest treatment of all employees. Supervisors, managers, and employees are expected to treat each other with mutual respect. Employees are encouraged to offer positive and constructive criticism. Grievances may comprise but shall not be limited to:- i. Discrimination; iii. Alleged mistreatment; iv. Bias; v. Sexual harassment.

8.1. Grievance Handling Procedures

An aggrieved employee shall first inform his/her direct supervisor or any other person in higher authority regarding any action, occurrence or attitude expressed or implied by the supervisor or any other employee, which is perceived as unfair in the workplace. If an amicable solution cannot be reached, the employee may discuss the matter with the next line supervisor. If the employee is still not satisfied with the solution offered, then he/she may escalate the complaint to the Head of Department. If the employee is still not satisfied with the solution offered by the Head of Department, then he/she may escalate the complaint to the Head of Human Resources Department. If the employee is not satisfied by the decision of the Head of the Human Resources Department, the employee will complain to a director of the company. Where the grievance(s) relates to a disciplinary action, the appeal shall be referred to the Director for consideration.


The Company committed to the welfare, safety and health of all its staff and shall put up necessary programs to support these issues. The company shall also ensure at all times that it remains compliant to the Directorate of occupational health and safety (DOSH) workplace requirements. There is a comprehensive EMPLOYEE HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE (EHS) policy which every staff is required to familiarize themselves with. If there is an injury: i. The first priority is medical attention. The injured worker or nearest colleague should contact one of first aiders. For a serious injury also call an ambulance. ii. Any employee who is injured on the job, experiences a safety incident or a near miss, must report the incident to their manager. iii. The manager must write a report in the Register of Injuries, Incidents and near misses Every employee will be required to: i. Familiarize themselves with the company’s EHS policy and other related guidelines, and adhere to them. ii. Make proper use of any protective equipment issued to them. iii. Carry out their duties in a manner that ensures their own safety and that of their colleagues; following training and information provided. iv. Examine their equipment before use to ensure that it is in good and safe working order v. Report any deviations from stipulated safety standards (e.g. defective equipment) to a responsible person immediately. vi. Only handle machinery and tasks for which they have been authorized. vii. Maintain high standards of housekeeping at their work stations. viii. Report any illness or accident to their supervisors for immediate action. ix. Ask for guidance from the supervisor if not sure of anything regarding their work.


All employees will be expected to maintain high standards of performance, integrity and professionalism in line with the company’s mission, core values and code of Conduct.

9.1 Employee Obligations

All employees shall at all times fully comply with the Employee’s Handbook, policies, procedures and manuals of the Company. An employee who in any way violates any of the provisions of the Employee’s Handbook, policies, procedures and manuals of the Company shall be liable to disciplinary action.

9.2 Nature of ‘disciplinable’ Offences

9.2.1 Minor offences

These shall include offences for which punishment to be awarded ranges from caution to warning (verbal or written). The Minor offenses include but are not limited to: i. Idling and loitering during working hours. ii. Feigning sickness. iii. Failure to sign in or out as may be instituted by the organization. iv. Lateness or early departure from place of work without approval of the supervisor v. Taking work time to deal with personal issues; for instance, misuse of the telephone, email and social media;

9.2.2 Major offences

The following are offences deemed major (and amount to gross misconduct) at the company in addition to any other grounds that may be established by the law: i. All the grounds set out under Section 44 of the Employment Act or its replacements. ii. Breach of the Company’s policies and procedures; iii. Failing to obtain the relevant certificates, licenses, practicing certificates etc. iv. Engaging in a conduct which is likely to bring the Company into disrepute; v. Repeat or frequent common and minor mistakes; vi. Failure to account for advanced monies/ imprest received by the employee within the specified time limits; vii. Failure to account for any money which is received by an employee on behalf of the Company; viii. Absence from duty without permission or proceeding on leave or days off without any prior approval. ix. Abetting misconduct; x. Poor performance, and Willful neglect to perform official duties or to carelessly and improperly perform any work which is in one’s line of duty or any other duty that may be assigned to an employee. xi. Mishandling a client; xii. Misappropriation and theft of company property. xiii. Habitual lateness and absenteeism; xiv. Drinking or using alcoholic drinks or intoxicating oneself during working hours. xv. Use of abusive or insulting language or behaving in a manner insulting to other employees and customers. xvi. Sexual harassment and any physical violence on self or other employees. xvii. Refusal to obey lawful and proper commands issued by a superior, or insubordination. xviii. Fraud or Corrupt practices and breach of integrity including undue influence, taking bribes, forgeries and misappropriation of funds. xix. Misuse of telephone, internet, cars and other facilities. xx. Being convicted of a criminal offence. xxi. Damaging and/or mishandling misusing the company’s property/documents. xxii. Tampering and destruction of official documents. xxiii. Issuing media statements or granting media interview on company affairs, without the prior written approval by the Company. xxiv. Sharing of company information in which it was your duty to keep, dependent on your position, which will be breach of confidentiality. xxv. Defamation of the company and/or its employees xxvi. Threatening or physically assaulting other employee or visitors xxvii. Failure to abide or observe the company’s policies, procedure manuals, Core values and other regulations in force. xxviii. Being under the influence of alcohol or harmful drugs during hours of duty. xxix. Engaging in political activities or posting political content on company assets, website and social media handles; xxx. Posting content on the company website, social media handles which may bring the Company into disrepute. xxxi. Mishandling, and or misusing company property and using company property assigned to an employee for purposes other than those for which the asset was assigned to the employee. xxxii. Failing to report an accident, injury of an employee at work or other major incident that may occur which may come to the knowledge of an employee or which an employee ought to know.

9.3 Disciplinary Action.

9.3.1. Where disciplinary action is preferred against an employee the following factors shall be considered: i. Where an employee is alleged to have committed a major offence, the Head of Human Resources Department shall serv the employee shall with a notice to show cause why the disciplinary action should not be taken against the employee through the approved channels of communication and the employee shall be required to respond to the said notice within Three (3) working days excluding weekends and public holidays. ii. The Head of Human Resources Department shall consider the representations of the affected employee, and where the employee’s response and explanation is deemed unsatisfactory, the Head of Human Resources Department shall invite the employee for a disciplinary hearing within Three (3) days. iii. The Employee shall have a right to be accompanied by a fellow employee of his or her choice during the disciplinary hearing. iv. and make a determination on what disciplinary action is appropriate to the nature of the offences that has been committed. 9.3.2. The Company may undertake any of the following disciplinary actions: i. Warning; ii. Withdrawal of privileges; ii. Stoppage of annual increment; iii. Surcharge; iv. Suspension without pay; v. Demotion; vi. Termination; vii. Dismissal.

9.4. Appeal Procedures

i. Employees may appeal against the disciplinary action within 3 days of the communication of the disciplinary action adopted by the employer to the Director. ii. The appeal shall be in writing and accompanied by the relevant supporting documents and shall be submitted to the director through a sealed envelope addressed to the Director and marked “Confidential” iii. The Director shall consider and communicate the outcome of the appeal to the respective employee within Thirty (30) working days. iv. The decision of the Director on the appeal shall be final.

9.5. Criminal Proceedings

In the event an employee is arrested and not released on bail or bond for a period exceeding Fourteen (14) days or is charged with a criminal offence for offences which do not directly relate to the Company, the employee may be suspended without pay and a disciplinary action undertaken against him or her.


While the Company will make effort to ensure compensation to employees for work related injuries and diseases contracted in the course of their employment and for connected purposes, the following are your obligations as an employee: i. Ensure their own safety and health and that of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at the workplace. ii. Co-operate with their employer or any other person in the discharge of any duty or requirement imposed on the employer or that other person by this Act or any regulation made hereunder. iii. At all times wear or use any protective equipment or clothing provided by the employer for the purpose of preventing risks to their safety and health. iv. Comply with the safety and health procedures, requirements and instructions given by a person having authority over them for their own or any other person’s safety v. Report to the supervisor any situation which they have reason to believe would present a hazard and which they cannot correct. vi. Report to their supervisor any accident or injury that arises in the course of or in connection with his/her work. vii. With regard to any duty or requirement imposed on their employer, to co-operate with the employer or other relevant person to enable that duty or requirement to be performed. The company shall not be liable for injury suffered if it is established that the injury is as a result of noncompliance by the worker. Every employee to update the records of the beneficiaries nomination form.


No employee shall be engaged in any conduct or transaction which may give rise to conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest with the Company. Where an employee is by his or her job description required to be involved in a transaction for which conflict of interest may arise, such employee shall immediately notify his or her immediate supervisor, Head of Department and recuse himself or herself from the transaction unless otherwise authorized to proceed with the transaction. Conflict of interest shall be deemed to arise whenever the personal, professional or business interests of an employee are potentially in conflict with the interests of the Company. All employees are required to act in good faith towards the company. Before signing of the employment contract, employees must: i. declare any potential, actual or perceived conflicts of interest that exist on becoming employed by the company to Human Resources Department. ii. declare any potential, actual or perceived conflicts of interest that arise or are likely to arise during employment by the company to Human Resources Department. iii. Avoid being placed in a situation where there is potential, actual or perceived conflict of interest if at all possible. A staff shall not be allowed to: a) Open or operate a competing business or one of a similar nature with the Company while still in service. An employee shall be required to disclose such business as you may be involved in (if any) before signing the employment contract. b) An employee shall not during the continuance of or after the end of employment divulge to any person any confidential information which may receive or obtain in relation to the company’s affairs or do or suffer to be done any act, matter or things whereby the duties of such employee shall be neglected or where the interests of the company shall be prejudiced. c) Neither an employee nor his or her spouse or close relatives shall open a business that may compete with the Company or may be construed to be in competition with the Company, either during the period of your employment or before the lapse of three years after the end of your employment. d) After leaving employment, an employee cannot take up employment in a business that competes with the Company or that may be construed to be in competition with the Company before the lapse of three years.


12.1. Introduction New Muthokinju Hardware Limited is committed to providing a workplace free from all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment through: through: i. Educating all staff on issues relating to sexual harassment at the work place. ii. Taking the steps necessary to ensure that no employee is subjected to sexual harassment. iii. Preventing sexual harassment from occurring at the work place. iv. Conducting fair and thorough investigations into cases of alleged sexual harassment. v. Taking the appropriate disciplinary action against any staff under the company direction who subjects any staff to sexual harassment. vi. Protecting the complainant or the circumstances related to the complaint to any person except where disclosure is necessary for the purpose of investigating the complaint. and vii. Ensuring that no staff is prejudiced for making a complaint of sexual harassment. This policy is designed in accordance with the Kenyan Constitution, the Employment Act of Kenya, the Sexual Offences Act and other relevant laws. Our commitment is to prevent, address, and remedy any incidents of sexual harassment promptly and effectively. This policy therefore:- i. Sets out what constitutes sexual harassment.ii. Provides the legal basis for its existence. iii. Explains the responsibility of every staff in sexual harassment matters. iv. Establishes an effective grievance /complaint process that deals with sexual harassment. v. States the company commitment to providing an environment that is free from sexual harassment and its obligations to educate and inform staff about sexual harassment.

12.2. Definition of Sexual Harassment

Section 6 of the Employment Act 2007 defines sexual harassment to mean: An employee is sexually harassed if the employer (Manager/Supervisor) of that employee or a representative of that employer or co-worker, (a) directly or indirectly requests that employee for sexual intercourse, sexual contact or any other form of sexual activity that contains an implied or express— (i) promise of preferential treatment in employment; (ii) threat of detrimental treatment in employment; or (iii) threat about the present or future employment status of the employee; (b) uses language whether written or spoken of a sexual nature; (c) uses visual material of a sexual nature; or (d) shows physical behaviour of a sexual nature which directly or indirectly subjects the employee to behaviour that is unwelcome or offensive to that employee and that by its nature has a detrimental effect on that employee's employment, job performance, or job satisfaction. Sexual harassment may occur in a variety of circumstances but not limited to the following; i. The harasser’s conduct must be unwelcome; ii. The victim as well as the harasser maybe a man/woman but does not have to be the opposite sex; iii. The harasser can be the victim’s supervisor, Manager or co-worker even in a different department; iv. The Victim may also be anyone affected by the offensive conduct. Sexual advances, any unsolicited or unwelcome verbal/physical comment, gesture, requests for favours or conduct of sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when; i. The conduct is unwelcome and repulsive to the recipient; ii. The conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with the staff work performance or creating an intimidating and offensive work environment; or iii. Any other conduct that qualifies to be an act of sexual harassment.

12.3. Prohibition of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is strictly prohibited New Muthokinju Hardware Limited. This prohibition applies to all employees, including supervisors, managers, coworkers, and third parties such as clients, customers, and vendors, and an employee who violates this policy shall be subject to summary dismissal. 12.4. Reporting Procedure 12.4.1 Reporting Options Any employee who believes they have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment is encouraged to report the incident promptly. Reports can be made to: • Immediate supervisor or manager. • Human Resources department. • Any other designated person within the organization. 12.4.2 Confidentiality All reports of sexual harassment will be handled with the utmost confidentiality to the extent permitted by law. However, it is essential to balance confidentiality with the need to conduct a thorough investigation. 12.4.3 No Retaliation Retaliation against individuals who report sexual harassment or participate in an investigation is strictly prohibited. Any retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 12.4.4. Responsibility. It is the responsibility of every Staff to; i. Prevent and eradicate offensive work environment ii. Ensure complaints of sexual harassment are dealt with promptly and confidentially without victimization

12.5. Step-by-Step Reporting Procedure

Step 1: Immediate Reporting to Supervisor or Manager Employees should report incidents of sexual harassment to their immediate supervisor or manager. If the supervisor or manager is the alleged harasser or if the employee is uncomfortable reporting to them, the employee should proceed to the next step. Step 2: Reporting to Human Resources If the employee is unable to report to their immediate supervisor or manager, or if the supervisor or manager is the alleged harasser, the employee should report the incident to the Human Resources department. Step 3: Investigation Process Upon receiving a report, the designated personnel will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation. The investigation will involve gathering information from the complainant, alleged harasser, and any relevant witnesses. Step 4: Determination and Corrective Action Based on the findings of the investigation, appropriate corrective action will be taken, ranging from counseling and retraining to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

12.6. Escalation Procedure

If an employee is dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal investigation or believes that the issue is not adequately addressed, they may escalate the matter to the appropriate external authorities, such as the Ministry of Labor or the relevant legal entities. Malicious reports or settling scores will constitute misconduct on the part of the complainant and will lead to severe disciplinary action.

12.7. Review and Revision

This policy will be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure compliance with applicable laws and to reflect the evolving needs of our organization. New Muthokinju Hardware Limited is committed to fostering a workplace environment that is free from sexual harassment and promotes respect, dignity, and equality for all employees. Acknowledgement of Receipt   I ……………………………………………….. acknowledge that I have received a copy of the company Employee Handbook (“Handbook”). I understand that I am responsible for reading, understanding and abiding by all policies and procedures in this Handbook, as well as other policies and procedures of the Company. I further confirm that I have read and understood this Handbook, policies and procedures of the Company and where necessary sought the interpretation of the same to my satisfaction before signing of the employment contract. I also understand that the purpose of this Handbook is to inform me of the Company’s policies and procedures, and it is not a contract of employment. I understand that the Company has the right to change any provision of this Handbook at any time and that I will be bound by any such changes. __________________________________ _______________ Signature Date __________________________________ Full Name (please print) Please sign and date one copy of this acknowledgement and return it to Human Resources. Retain a second copy for your reference.
Accept *