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Target Perfomance (startegy Based)
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At the beginning of the appraisal period, goals and objectives were set and you agreed to them. Comment specifically what you achieved on each agreed objective (and work characteristic) including those that were added or amended. Your HOD/supervisor will also rate and give their remarks on how you have performed on each objective. Some objectives may have been broken down into parts, hence the a, b, c on the Target Performance. Give examples that support your rating on section 2 in each box.

Please read the NMHL performance management guidelines before completing this form.

  1. Below 50%- This is below average and means that the performance objectives were not met. Termination will be effected.
  2. 51-70%- This will mean that the performance objectives are partially met. This staff will be put in a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP).
  3. 71-90%- Applaud for doing their job well. This category will have met their performance standards.
  4. 95 and above This will mean that the individual has met their performance objectives and have gone over and above what they were required to do.
Name *
Job Title *
Payroll Number *
Review Period From *
Review Period To *
Line Manager
Objective1 Raw Score out of 100 *
Objective2 Raw Score out of 100 *
Objective3 Raw Score out of 100 *
Objective4 Raw Score out of 100 *